Originally published at ThugStart.com

3 Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Confidence

Abhishek Shah
5 min readApr 29, 2017

Confidence is that intangible thing that cannot be taught, bought or borrowed but is always that feeling of self-assurance which tells you — everything is possible!

One of the things that hold most of us back is the fear of failure. The terrifying thought of not just failing, but to overcome that failure and start again becomes a big deal. However, it is only the people who dare overcome this fear of failure and the lack of confidence that we look up to them as successful people. The thin line between feeling scared and feeling powerful is what differentiates the successful people from the rest.

Successful people often emanate confidence, which in turn makes them unstoppable when they see an opportunity. It is evident that these are the people who believe in themselves and who understand what they are doing. They do not fear failure because it is not the success that has made them confident, but it has always been their confidence that has yielded into success for them. We all admire such people because they inspire confidence in others. They are the risk takers who know there will always be obstacles in their way, but their self-belief and confidence are what gives them the strength to get past them.

We all know that confidence is crucial to one’s success, but the question is how to conquer it because if you don’t believe in yourself, then it is hard to expect that someone else would believe in you.

Here are some techniques which many people around the world practice build up their confidence.

Embrace Positivity and turn your back on Negativity

Until the time you don’t change your outlook towards positivity, things won’t work your way. To build up your self-confidence, you must surround yourself with positivity, which also means evaluating your friend circle. This can be hard for you, but it is only in your favor to consider getting away from those individuals who always put you down and scowl over your happiness. Don’t let others shred your confidence and get into your head the unwanted negativity as that will take you down the wrong path. Be positive, even when you are not feeling it. The hard work and several efforts that you must take to succeed might take a toll on you, but let that not take your focus away from the positive enthusiasm that you have had.

Learn to be excited and let that excitement trickle down in all your activities. Stop being fixated on your life problems but try to focus on finding solutions and making positive changes. Treat every negative thought like a bug which must be weeded out before it makes a mess. Talk to people who encourage you and are willing to support you in this journey.

Know Yourself, Be Yourself

The thought is simple here; you cannot defeat your enemy without knowing them. But, when you are struggling with building confidence and getting rid of the negativity, your enemy is no one but you. Hence, to face this enemy you must get to know yourself well.

Listen to your inner self, your own thoughts, and your own wants. Perhaps making notes or writing a journal might help you to gather your thoughts about yourself. Understand what you like, what you can do well, and what you think your limitations are. Even though you cannot control what others think, you will always have power over what your own thoughts are. When you dig deeper and have answers to these questions, you will then be able to clinch on to the confidence by strengthening your weaker skill sets and making provisions to minimize negative impacts.

On the other hand, once you know yourself it is also important that you be yourself as well. You must not allow your inner critic to create further doubt, shame or the feelings of worthlessness in your mind and should rather focus on overcoming them. However, gaining self-confidence and living on with your life won’t be justified if that confidence makes you brag about yourself. Confident people are those who are self-aware and not those who allow their confidence to turn into arrogance.

Change your Image

This is the simplest one that everyone should try when struggling with gaining confidence. It might come as a surprise but the way we dress, smile, talk or even the way we carry ourselves has a huge effect on how people see us and in turn what we feel about ourselves. It is simply amazing to see the difference it makes when you go that extra mile to dress nicely, getting a nice shave, and grooming yourself. It not only makes you feel good about yourself, but even others are more likely to take interest in you, thus boosting your confidence. There have been studies which have shown that people speak differently when they are dressed up as against to when someone hasn’t paid much attention to it.

Make sure you choose your clothing and accessories that reflect the image you want to portray, even if that means taking some extra time in getting ready. However, dressing up nicely does not mean you must wear expensive clothes, but something that makes you presentable and looks neat is what is essential.

While dressing and grooming are important, the simple act of smiling at people and making eye contact when you talk are another aspect of your self-image. Just the act of pulling your shoulders back and speaking clearly and slowly gives an impression of a confident person. These things will not just make you feel better but will make sure everyone around you is comfortable and envisions you as confident as well.

Suggested Reads

  1. Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear
  2. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
  3. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
  4. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
  5. The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure



Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur