Seven SlideShare for Wantrepreneurs!

Abhishek Shah
4 min readJan 6, 2016

Being an entrepreneur is tough. You can usually bet on very long hours and hard work early on with no promise for success. It can be much more glamorous to imagine that you’re an entrepreneur and skip the messy part.

However, the line between entrepreneur and wantrepreneur is blurred. A little bit of the latter won’t kill you, but stray too far and you could find yourself one of the modern lotus eaters, stuck in a dazed state while others are off on the real odyssey. No matter what the motivation is to be your own boss, you can start today. Here are some SlideShare presentations that you may help you started to step over the line.

1. So You Can Think Like An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs come in all shapes, sizes, ages and can be from anywhere. They, as far as I know, do not wear a uniform or carry membership cards for an entrepreneurship club. If you passed one on the street or sat next to one in a restaurant, you’d likely not even know.

So what makes someone an entrepreneur?

2. 17 Traits That Entrepreneurs Posses

Possessing these traits will help you to be a successful entrepreneur. However, there is one trait that I think is the most important: the desire to be your own boss. I do not want to work for anyone else. I want to call the shots. For me, that’s simply the way it had to be.

3. These 8 Crazy Reasons for Becoming an Entrepreneur May Ultimately Lead to Failure

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you’re not alone. Star-studded films like The Social Network and Steve Jobs have put startup culture in the limelight. It’s no surprise so many people are considering embarking on the entrepreneurial journey.

4. Stealing Your Einstein Ideas

“I have a feeling that my ideas will be stolen” … — Well, everybody at some point of time get this feeling and it is absolutely normal. Why “NORMAL” because it is genuine feeling that comes but if you are every now and then fussy about it than there is definitely more thinking to do about it.

5. It’s All About Execution in a Startup

A startup begins with a great idea, but all too often, that’s where it ends. Ideas have to be implemented well to get the desired results. Good implementation requires a plan, and a good plan and good operational decisions come from good people. That’s why investors invest in entrepreneurs, rather than ideas.

6. The Ten Everyday Roles of a Startup Entrepreneur

Leading a business is complex work. It’s not a matter of walking into the office, churning out a few ideas and considering yourself done for the day. No, the reality is that you’re going to be doing a little bit of everything — especially in the earliest stages of your business’s development.

7. Are You Moving Marketing Mountains For Your Startup

While the lack of budgets and resources can rain on any Startup entrepreneur’s parade, we are seeing several Startup companies get crafty to invest under the best marketing umbrella. Marketing isn’t just about science, or art or technology and strategy of its own. It is about innovating the way we connect with our data sources, using the information in a way that helps us to add value to the audience.

It became clear that many startup superheroes were much the same way like any other entrepreneurs. They had their strength and weaknesses, but what made them “SUPER HERO” is they had managed to focus on developing their strengths to the point that their weaknesses didn’t matter. Using these superhero characteristics as an inspiration, could let you determine which superhero you resemble the most

Hope you enjoyed these presentations. For all Wantrepreneur here’s one more advise for you. Do something. Don’t sit back year after year and say “This is the year I’m going to start my business.” Make this the year you really do it! Challenge your assumptions. Make your business real. Happy Startup to you!

Do check out my other SlideShare presentations.


As always, let me know your thoughts on the topic. I’d love to hear your ideas and views in the comments below.

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Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur